A new key biodiversity platform for cross sectoral collaboration
For its inaugural launch, World Biodiversity Summit will help define what world leaders and the private sector in biodiversity and climate action need to do in the medium and long term to achieve sustainable development and hinder further biodiversity loss, focusing on partnerships and investment mechanisms as levers of progress. World Biodiversity Summit is a platform for responding to accelerating biodiversity loss, by using the Paris Agreement as a framework to learn from, promoting relevant solutions, innovations, and leadership networks, strengthening nature restoration and conservation. Nature-based solutions will be highlighted, from specificecosystems to global possibilities.

Climate Investment Coalition goes global
The World Climate Foundation’s CEO Jens Nielsen and Board Member Peter Damgaard Jensen announced the global expansion of the Climate Investment Coalition (CIC). Building on the large-scale financial commitments and partnerships established across the Nordics, CIC will now aim to promote and replicate that success on a global scale.

Nature Investment Coalition is born

OECD Launches EU4ClimateResilience Initiative,
a groundbreaking project aimed at establishing credible regulatory frameworks for green finance in line with EU standards to be implemented over the years 2024 - 2027. The initiative will introduce and scale up innovative financial instruments, such as green bonds, in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Radical Collaboration to Achieve the SDGs - UAE representation
Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, Chief Executive of the UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators (UICCA), emphasised the significance of collaboration for COP28. She highlighted blended finance as a crucial strategy, combining public and private funds for risk mitigation.

​Blended Finance Funds from UK Government

Accelerating Carbon Credits
Bezos Earth Fund reinstated their Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA), in collaboration with the US Department of State and The Rockefeller Foundation. Futher it was announced that they will share the initial members of the group of corporate sovereign buyers of the ETA along with further commitments at COP28.

A 8-Point Financial Innovation Plan for Net-Zero Transition
The COP27 High-Level Climate Action Champion from Egypt presented closing remarks with an 8-point plan aimed at boosting financial innovation and mechanisms to enhance investments in emerging markets and developing economies. The plan underscored the necessity of combining new instruments with enhanced knowledge to ensure the financial sector's transparent and pivotal role in funding the net-zero transition.
Nordic and UK Pension Funds Pledge $130 Billion in Clean Energy and Climate Investment by 2030
At COP26 in Glasgow, Nordic and UK pension funds pledged US$130 billion towards clean energy and climate investments by 2030, promising yearly progress reports. The Climate Investment Coalition (CIC) highlights this commitment from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, the UK, and a supporting fund from Greenland, to boost global climate ambition and encourage worldwide climate investment for a green transition by 2030.

Danish Financial Sector Updates on 2030 Climate Commitments at World Climate Investment Summit 2021
At the World Climate Investment Summit 2021, significant updates were shared by the Danish financial sector on their 2030 climate commitments. Kent Damsgaard, CEO of Insurance & Pension Denmark, discussed the progress of Danish pension funds' DKK350 billion commitment made in 2019. Additionally, Peter Kjærgaard, Chairman of the Danish Investment Association, reported on their pledge to cut the CO2 footprint of investment funds for Danish private investors by 75% by 2030, relative to the 2020 world index.

Danish Investment Association Pledges 75% CO2 Cut in Funds by 2030 for Green Transition
At the World Climate Investment Summit 2020, Peter Kjærgaard, Head of Nykredit Wealth Management, Chairperson of the Danish Investment Association announced an ambitious commitment to support private Danish citizens’ investments in the green transition, declaring that by 2030, C02 emissions from investment funds must be 75% below the emissions of the world equity index in 2020.

Danish Pension Funds Surpass Green Investment Goals, Eyeing $50 Billion Target Ahead of Schedule
CEO, Kent Damsgaard reported that Danish pension funds have invested $8 billion in green projects since the 2019 Climate Action Summit in New York. This far exceeds earlier expectations and could lead to Danish pension funds reaching their $50 billion green investment target three years ahead of schedule.

Nordic Leaders and Pension Funds Commit to Boost Green Finance by 2030
Nordic Prime Ministers, at an N8 meeting in October, chaired by Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, announced their intent to encourage Nordic institutional investors to scale up green finance and investments by 2030. Appearing at the meeting, Nordic pension fund CEO’salso announced their aim to mobilise collective commitments towards green investments by 2030.

USD 50 billion announced by Danish pension funds in Sept 2019 in New York
Danish pension funds pledge to invest more than $50 billion in green assets over the next decade to fight climate change, as part of Denmark’s ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% in 2030.